Icone do Formulario

Fale Conosco

Icone do Botão Enviar

The NUTRADOX line is recognized for its excellent quality and used in several Rendering plants. Falcon's antioxidants have proven quality in controlling oxidation in the production of flour, rations, oil, and fat for the Rendering and Pet Food industries. The Nutradox line seeks to ensure the freshness of flours, rations, oils, and fats, maintaining food conservation and extending the shelf life of the product, in addition to providing greater palatability for animals.

Invest in an efficient product against oxidation

Oxidation causes the color to fade and the aroma of flours, oils, and ration to degrade, causing a competitive disadvantage for industries. Falcon Additives has a highly trained and multidisciplinary technical team, who use their experience to carry out personalized assessments, indicating the best option for each situation, ensuring quality and performance to the customer.

The use of antioxidants allows the long-term preservation of flours, ratios, and oils besides being essential for the safety and nutritional quality of products for production and companion animals.

Optimal efficiency for each plant


Using the Nutradox line is much more than relying on an excellent antioxidant. Along with our products you have the services of our Technical Department at your disposal to apply Falcon solutions with maximum efficiency to your needs. Our team is prepared to advise you on the best product, application site, and dosage. All of our application systems are automated and customized, designed according to the needs of each plant.



Products for pet animals are usually highly susceptible to oxidation, which is why antioxidants are an important ingredient for increasing the quality, durability of the feedstock of these animals. Free of Etoxyiquim, an antioxidant line directed to the Pet Food industries, developed to provide maximum protection and ideal for maintaining the oxidative stability of flours, oils, and pet food. Offering high performance, extending. palatability and nutrition. It meets more stringent export standards.

In Falcon instragram Falcon Face Falcon

Av. Principal Dois, 205 - Núcleo Industrial Campo Grande/MS - CEP 79108-551



(67) 3391-2800